Friday, February 11, 2011

More Than a Thousand Places ...Faces - AISD

The Austin Statesman of  Friday February 11,2011, brought out the horrible news that more than a thousand positions with the Austin ISD (school district) will be cut. This simply means that all these people will be losing their jobs. As pointed out by Michael Houser, the head of human resources "As we make these difficult decisions, we realize there are names, faces and careers behind these positions, and that makes this process gut-wrenching,". It certainly is difficult , when one thinks about it. These people behind these positions have families to feed, mortgage to pay , children to send to school, car notes to take care of , and most importantly the dignity of having a job to go to every morning. What will happen? It is scary to think about, knowing that the cut came about because "Austin is planning for a shortfall of $94 million to $114 million — of a total budget of more than $700 million — in the 2011-12 school year. The district is facing dramatic cuts to state and federal funding and lower local property tax revenue." As a consequence ,all these job loses. The human effect will be tremendous. Think about the child who will no longer has her teacher. Think about the teacher who will be overloaded and overworked. Think about.... I think it's best not to think.It is overwhelming, considering that the legislators at the Capitol  " propose reducing public education funding by about $10 billion over the next two years"
 "It is a heart-wrenching time for our district," Board President Mark Williams said.

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