Friday, March 11, 2011


Paul Stoller, a political blogger on The Huffington Post spoke about the ignorance of some of our political figureheads or leaders. In the article entitled Politics in a Culture of Ignorance, Stoller is specifically referring to former Governor Mike Huckabee , politicians Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. He cannot understand the ignorance they demonstrate in their conversations, comments and writings. “… they unflaggingly demonstrate an acute intellectual incompetence as well as wholesale ignorance of American history and world affairs…”

       I think blogger Stoller’s comments were strong but definitely correct. He was emphasizing the message that ignorance can be a dangerous and devastating thing that reflects very negatively on the commentator but even more so on the listeners. He mentioned this because “they still manage to maintain or even increase their legions of followers.” I do not really believe they have a huge following. People do see the ignorance in Huckabee blaming President Obama for his Fathers doing or blaming Obama’s father for Obama’s doing. People are not foolish. They do listen critically. They do analyze. Young people, despite what blogger Stoller pointed out have not fully descended into this “culture of ignorance”. He says that as a professor he would like to blame the public school system for the youths (some of his students) ignorance in listening and following the lying, ignorant republicans.

   The youths cannot be blamed. Look at the demographic that is following the “ignorant republicans” he spoke about. It is not the youths! Look at the politicians he is criticizing. They are not the youths. If the public school system is to blame, did Palin and Huckabee attend public school in the 90’s and 2000’s or did they attend during the 60 s, 70’s or 50’s when the public school was deemed as better? Mr. Stoller, brought out some good points, but he presented the wrong reasons by implicating the youths.

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